Bay to Breakers RAWR trend:
animal prints and fabrics
I was going to be a peacock this year for Bay to Breakers (and I saw quite a few), but changed my mind when I realized how chilly it was going to be, especially compared to last year's scorching weather. I raided my roommates closet and borrowed her golden zebra leggings and a psychedelic top. I also threw on mittens and my panda hat I bought at a Chinatown in Japan (yep) a few months ago.
I was warm ... and ... hideous...

Panda hat side note: I was not aware that SF Giants third baseman Pablo Sandoval, nicknamed "Kung Foo Panda," has inspired tons of fans to own panda hats. The hats were out in full force at B2B. So much for wearing a unique hat.
Likely due to what I was wearing,
I couldn't stop noticing all the fur and animal prints.
Here are some of my favorites.

Tiger power stance.
This bunny was swinging his leg back and forth.

Pink bunny #1.

Pink bunny #2.
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